06 August 2009

Recommending a new MRSA site

Constant readers, I've been away on travel. Apologies for dropping out of sight, but I always worry about saying in advance that I am going away; it seems not-secure to me. At any rate, I'm back. There's tons to catch up on in the MRSA world, but here is something to get us started.

I want to recommend to you a new, comprehensive MRSA site. It has been put up by the MRSA Research Center of the University of Chicago, who are the research team (headed by Robert S. Daum, MD) that first identified the emergence of community-associated MRSA in the mid-1990s. (Disclosure: These folks play a prominent role in the book, but we have no relationship other than that of reporter and source.)

The site has channels for researchers, infection-control professionals, and MRSA patients and their families. It is broad and deep and well worth a look. I'll add it to the blogroll on the right.

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